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- M E M B E R S H I P M A N A G E R
- Program and Text by David B. Presley
- Introduction
- 1. Create A New File
- 1.1 Create A New File
- 1.2 Activate File
- 1.3 Update File
- 1.4 List Files
- 1.5 Delete File
- 1.6 Main Menu
- 2. Edit Current File
- 2.1 Search Options
- 2.2 Edit A Family
- 2.3 Add A Family
- 2.4 Delete A Family
- 2.5 Sort File
- 2.6 Main Menu
- 3. Print Current File
- 3.1 Mailing Labels
- 3.2 Head of Household
- 3.3 Family Summary
- 3.4 Complete Report
- 3.5 Secondary Address
- 3.6 Main Menu
- 4. Disk Options
- 4.1 Disk Directory
- 4.2 Load A File
- 4.3 Save A File
- 4.4 Scratch A File
- 4.5 Change Drive Number
- 4.6 Main Menu
- 5. Return To BASIC
- 5.1 Quit To BASIC
- 5.2 Reset Program
- 5.3 Re-draw Screen
- 5.4 Error Message
- 5.5 Free Memory
- 5.6 Main Menu
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- One of the earliest and obvious applications for the personal computer
- is the data base. A wide variety of such programs have appeared providing
- the user with data bases for specific applications as well as general
- purposes. Data bases are used by both individuals and organizations.
- Keeping track of mailing lists and membership rolls are necessary tasks for
- most any organization from civic clubs to churches to computer user
- groups.
- While there are many good data base programs available to take of these
- needs, almost all of them have one thing in common: they track members of
- the organization as individuals. MEMBERSHIP MANAGER takes a different
- approach by tracking members as family units. For some organizations,
- knowing who lives in the household with the member is just as important as
- knowing who the organization member is. In our fast paced society people
- are looking for family friendly organizations. But without information on a
- member's family it is rather difficult to be family friendly.
- MEMBERSHIP MANAGER is a powerful tool to assist organizational leaders
- who want to make their organization family friendly and thus attractive to
- new members. Each file can track up to 200 families and contains eighteen
- pieces of information on the organization member, ten pieces of information
- on the member's spouse and five pieces of information on each of six
- dependents or other persons living in the household.
- To start using MEMBERSHIP MANAGER simply load and run "mem manager",
- the BASIC loader program. The credits appear at the bottom half of the
- screen. At the top of the screen will appear in order a list of several
- other programs which will be BLOADed. The first is MMCONTROL80, a BASIC
- extension. The program will then pause for a moment while the loader
- program checks for the presence of an REU. If the REU is present then RAM
- DRIVER will be loaded next. The RAM DRIVER will install the RAM drive as
- device #29. Next is MEM FONT followed by the MEMBERSHIP MANAGER program
- itself.
- For any one already familiar with data base programs, using MEMBERSHIP
- MANAGER the first time should present few difficulties. Two keys are almost
- always hot. The ESC key will take you back to the previous menu and the
- RETURN/ENTER keys will take you to the next option or menu. At all input
- prompts (data, file names, etc) the CRSR keys and F1 will also be hot and
- react like the RETURN/ENTER keys. When the Main Menu appears there will be
- five options:
- Create A New File
- Edit Current File
- Print Current File
- Disk Operations
- Return To BASIC.
- Each Main Menu option contains six options which are detailed below. To
- select, use the CRSR keys to highlight an option and press RETURN or ENTER.
- Pressing ESC from the Main Menu will execute the exit routine. The "Are You
- Sure? Y/N" prompt will appear. Press "Y" to exit back to BASIC or "N" to
- return to the Main Menu.
- 1. Create A New File
- The first option at the Main Menu is Create A New File. This sub-menu
- provides options for creating new files and their storage in the REU. Use
- the CRSR keys to highlight the desired option and press RETURN or ENTER. Or
- you may return to the Main Menu by pressing ESC.
- 1.1 Create A New File
- Use this option to initialize a new data file. If there is already an
- initialized file in memory the "Are You Sure? Y/N" prompt will appear. If
- you wish to keep the current file and have not either saved it to a disk or
- updated it to the REU then respond with "N" and then save it. Respond with
- "Y" if the file is already saved or updated, or you do not wish to keep it.
- After the "Y" response you will be prompted for the name you wish to give
- the new file. File names may be up to 13 characters long. The remaining
- three characters permitted by Commodore machines are used for a prefix,
- "mm." to designate data files on the disk and REU. You may abort this
- option and return to the previous menu by pressing ESC. However, the
- current file will no longer be activated. There is room in each file for
- 200 families. If you think you will have more than 200 families then sub-
- divide your list and work with two or more files. For example, FILENAME.A-J
- 1.2 Activate A File
- This option will activate a file previously stored in the REU. Like the
- previous option, if there is already an initialized file in memory the "Are
- You Sure? Y/N" prompt will appear. If you wish to keep the current file and
- have not either saved it to a disk or updated it to the REU then respond
- with "N" and go do it. Respond with "Y" if the file is already saved or
- updated, or you do not wish to keep it. After the "Y" response you will be
- prompted for the name of the file you wish to activate from the REU. You
- may abort this option and return to the previous menu by pressing ESC.
- However, the current file will no longer be activated.
- 1.3 Update File
- The Update File option stores the current file to the REU. The file
- will be saved to the REU using the current filename. If the file with that
- name already exists it will be replaced with the current. The "Are You
- Sure? Y/N" prompt will not appear. Be sure the file stored in the REU is
- the same as the one you are currently editing.
- 1.4 List Files
- All files currently stored in the REU can be listed with this option.
- 1.5 Delete File
- Use this option to delete a file from the REU. You will be prompted for
- the name of the file you wish to delete. You may abort this option by
- pressing ESC without disturbing the file currently activated.
- 1.6 Main Menu
- This option will take you back to the Main Menu. Pressing the ESC key
- will also take you back to the Main Menu.
- 2. Edit Current File
- The second option at the Main Menu is Edit Current File. This sub-menu
- provides options for editing and adding families and family members to the
- current file. Use the CRSR keys to highlight the desired option and press
- RETURN or ENTER. Or you may return to the Main Menu by pressing ESC.
- 2.1 Search Option.
- The Search option will search for a family or individual in the current
- file. The "By Last name, Number or list All" prompt will appear. Press
- "L"to search by last name. You will be prompted for the last name you wish
- to search. Enter the last name to search or ESC to abort. The card for each
- individual by that last name will be shown one at a time. The search is
- keyed to the last name of the organization member. A household member with
- a different last name cannot be searched separately. After each individual
- card is displayed the "Continue? Y/N" prompt will appear. Press "Y" for the
- next card or "N" to abort the search.
- If you already know the number (1-200) of the family you wish to view
- then press "N" for search by number. You will be prompted for the card
- number or you can press ESC to abort. The member's card will appear and if
- there is a spouse you will be asked if you wish to view the spouse's card.
- Press "Y" to view it or "N" to continue. If there is at least one dependent
- you will be asked if you wish to view the first dependent. Press "Y" to
- view it or "N" to abort. These steps will continue for all the cards for
- that family. The ESC key is hot and you may abort the search by pressing
- it.
- A third option for search is to list all families. Pressing "A" will
- display a list of all families by number, last name and the first name of
- the organization member. Use this option to quickly obtain a family's
- number for editing.
- 2.2 Edit A Family
- All the individual cards of a family may be edited with this option.
- You will be prompted for the number of the family you wish to edit. Enter
- it or press ESC to abort. If the number you enter is higher than the number
- of families in the file the program will return to the previous menu.
- Otherwise, the "Edit or Add?" prompt will appear. Press "E" to edit the
- existing data on the current family members or "A" to add a family
- member(s).
- The edit option will take you to the card of the organization member.
- Use the CRSR keys to scroll through the data fields. The cursor will appear
- at the end of each line of data. Use the DELETE key and type in the
- corrected information in each field. When you have made all the changes you
- wish to make press F1. The "Is This Correct? Y/N" prompt will appear. Press
- "Y" to go to the next card in the family or "N" to re-edit the current card
- or ESC to abort. If you press "Y" you will be asked if you want to edit the
- next card. This sequence will continue for all the current family members.
- The add option will give the opportunity to add additional family
- members. This is useful for when someone marries, gives birth to or adopts
- a child or someone else (in-law, adult child, etc.) moves in the household.
- If there is not already a spouse you will be asked if you want to add
- spouse. Press "Y" to add or "N" to go to the next prompt. The next prompt
- will ask if you wish to add another family member. Press "Y" to add another
- member or "N" (or ESC) to abort. This sequence will continue until all the
- cards for that family are used. See instruction 2.3 for tips entering
- information on each card.
- 2.3 Add A Family
- Use this option to add a family to the current file. A card will appear
- for the organization member. Across the top of the card you will see the
- card number (## of ##) and the current file name. The cursor will appear in
- last name data field. Enter the person's last and press either RETURN/ENTER
- or a CRSR key to move to another data field. If you wish to leave a field
- blank you may and an "*" will appear in that field. For the mailing label
- field you may enter the traditional M/M William Smith or Bill and Joan
- Smith. The card of each family member has "Relationship" field. This will
- generally refer to the individual's relationship to the organization
- member, such as son, daughter, mother, mother in-law, etc. If the
- individual is the "head of the household" then enter that designation or
- some other similar designation such as "single parent", "widow", "single",
- "separated", etc. If the person's name could pass as either male or female
- then you should either indicate gender here (single male, wife, etc) or
- indicate gender on the spouse's card if there is a spouse.
- The zip code field should include the 5-digit zip code and the 4 digit
- extension (12345-1234) if applicable. Telephone numbers should be entered
- as (123)123-1234 and work telephone numbers with a 4 digit extension,
- (123)123-1234-1234, where applicable. Enter the date the person became a
- member of the organization in the "Member since" field. Birthday and Member
- since fields should be entered with either a dash (-) or slash (/): 12-12-
- 12 or 12/12/12. Or, for the Member since field enter the abbreviation of
- the month and the year - Jun 1995. Dues refers to the most recent year dues
- were paid. At any time you may press ESC to abort. When you have completed
- this card press F1. You will be asked if the information is correct. Press
- "Y" to continue or "N" to re-edit. You may leave any field blank except the
- last name. Any field left blank will be given an "*" by default.
- After you have responded with a "Y" at the "Is This Correct" prompt,
- you will then be asked if you wish to add a spouse. Press "Y" to add spouse
- or "N" to continue to the next family member. Most of the data fields are
- the same for the spouse as for the original member, except there is no
- field for last name as it is assumed it will be same. As with the previous
- card there is a field for a middle or maiden name. Also, there is a field
- for their wedding anniversary. This field is placed on the spouse's card as
- it is relevant only if there is a spouse. When you have completed entering
- all the desired data press F1. You will be asked if the information is
- correct. Press "Y" to continue or "N" to re-edit.
- When you have completed the spouse card, or responded with a "N" at the
- "Add Spouse" prompt, you will be asked if you would like to add another
- household member. Press "Y" to add a dependent or "N" if you are finished
- with this family. The data fields are basically the same as before, except
- there are not as many and there is a field for the last name of the
- dependent. With so many blended families it is not uncommon for the
- children from the wife's previous marriage to have a different last name
- than the parents. Also, an extended family member from the wife's side of
- the family who may be living within the home would also not have the same
- last name. When you have completed entering all the desired data press F1.
- You will be asked if the information is correct. Press "Y" to continue or
- "N" to re-edit.
- When you have entered all the family members of that family the card
- for the next organization member will appear. If there are no other
- families to enter then press ESC.
- 2.4 Delete A Family
- This option will remove a family from the current file. You will be
- asked for the number of the family you wish to delete. If you don't know
- the number then use the search option to find it. Having entered the
- number, the member's card will appear and you will be asked if you wish to
- delete this family. Press "Y" to delete or "N" to abort.
- 2.5 Sort File
- The sort option will sort the current file by last name or by zip code.
- At the prompt press "L" to sort by last name or "Z" for zip code. Use the
- last name sort for preparing membership rosters and zip code sort for
- preparing bulk mailings.
- 2.6 Main Menu
- Returning to the Main Menu can be done with this option. Pressing the
- ESC key will also take you back to the Main Menu.
- 3. Print Current File
- The third option at the Main Menu is Print Current File. The printer
- file assumes you have a Commodore compatible printer. To use another
- printer you must change the program code. This sub-menu provides options
- for printing various reports and lists of families in the current file. Use
- the CRSR keys to highlight the desired option and press RETURN or ENTER. Or
- you may return to the Main Menu by pressing ESC.
- 3.1 Mailing Labels.
- Use this option to print selected mailing labels. The mailing list must
- be printed on one inch labels in a single column. At the prompt enter the
- number of the first family you want and then the number of the last family.
- You can abort the printing by pressing ESC. Printing will then cease after
- the current mailing label is completed.
- 3.2 Head of Household
- This option prints most of the data for the organization member. Five
- members are printed to a page. At the prompt enter the number of the first
- family you want to print and then the number of the last family. You can
- abort the printing by pressing ESC. Printing will then cease after the
- current head of household is completed.
- 3.3 Family Summary
- The Family Summary option prints a brief summary of each selected
- family. The output is two families across the page for a total of twelve
- families per page. The output consists of phone number, individual/couple's
- names, address(es), city, state, zip and dependents' first names. This
- option is suitable for producing a membership roll to be given to all
- organization members. At the prompt enter the number of the first family
- you want and then the number of the last family. You can abort the printing
- by pressing ESC. Printing will then cease after the current summaries are
- completed.
- 3.4 Complete Report
- All the data for a given family can be printed with this option. Each
- report takes up one page. At the prompt enter the number of the first
- family you want and then the number of the last family. You can abort the
- printing by pressing ESC. Printing will then cease after the current family
- is completed.
- 3.5 Secondary Address
- Use this option to change the secondary address sent to the printer. At
- the prompt enter the number (0-255) you wish to use.
- 3.6 Main Menu
- This option will take you back to the Main Menu. Pressing the ESC key
- will also take you back to the Main Menu.
- 4. Disk Operation
- The fourth option at the Main Menu is Disk Operations. This sub-menu
- provides options for maintaining files on an external drive. Use the CRSR
- keys to highlight the desired option and press RETURN or ENTER. Or you may
- return to the Main Menu by pressing ESC.
- 4.1 Disk Directory
- The Disk Directory option will display the disk contents from the
- current disk drive. You will be asked if you want a listing of all files on
- the disk or just MEMBERSHIP MANAGER data files. Press "A" to see all files,
- "M" for MEMBERSHIP MANAGER data files or ESC to abort.
- 4.2 Load A File
- Any data file previously created and saved can be loaded with this
- option. If there is already a file active in memory you will be given the
- "Are You Sure? Y/N" prompt. Press "Y" to proceed or "N" to abort. If you
- respond with "Y" you will then be asked for the name of the file you wish
- to load. Type in the file name and press RETURN/ENTER to load or ESC to
- abort. If you abort, there will no longer be a file in memory.
- It's best to ignore the "mm." prefix on filenames and just use the rest
- of the name for loading, but if you do enter the prefix, the program will
- compensate.
- 4.3 Save A File
- Use this option to save the current file to a disk. The current
- filename will appear in the prompt. Press RETURN/ENTER to use that name or
- DELETE that name and type in a new file name and press RETURN/ENTER to save
- or ESC to abort. Don't add the "mm." prefix when entering a new filename.
- The program will do that for you.
- 4.4 Scratch A File
- This option will remove a data file from the disk. At the prompt type
- in the file name and press RETURN/ENTER to load or ESC to abort.
- 4.5. Change Drive No.
- The current drive number can be changed with this option. A prompt will
- appear with the current drive number. Press any key to scroll through the
- available drives. When the desired drive number appears press RETURN/ENTER
- or ESC.
- 4.6 Main Menu
- Use this option to return to the Main Menu. Pressing the ESC key will
- also take you back to the Main Menu.
- 5. Return To BASIC
- The fifth option at the main menu is Return to BASIC. In addition to
- exiting MEMBERSHIP MANAGER this sub-menu allows you to take care of other
- "housekeeping chores." Use the CRSR keys to highlight the desired option
- and press RETURN or ENTER. Or, you may return to the Main Menu by pressing
- ESC.
- 5.1 Quit To BASIC
- This option will allow you to exit MEMBERSHIP MANAGER. The "Are You
- Sure? Y/N" prompt will appear. Press "Y" to exit or "N" to return to the
- menu.
- 5.2 Reset Program
- The Reset Program option will CLeaR the screen, CLeaR all variable
- (thereby CLeaRing the current file from memory) and then re-draw the
- screen. Sometimes the screen and/or program may become "confused" and this
- will allow you to start again without turning off the computer and re-
- loading the program.
- 5.3 Re-draw Screen
- The screen can be re-drawn with this option. This option serves the
- same purpose as the previous one except the current file remains
- unaffected.
- 5.4 Error Message
- All error messages can be re-displayed with this option. When an error
- occurs, either DOS or program, the message will be displayed on screen. At
- the prompt you will be asked if you want to see the last DOS or program
- error. Press "D" for DOS or "P" for program error. No message will appear
- if you have either loaded a new file, created a new file or reset the
- program as all of these CLeaR the variables used for this option.
- 5.5 Free Memory
- Use this option to find out the available bytes of memory in Bank 1.
- 5.6 Main Menu
- This option will take you back to the Main Menu. Pressing the ESC key
- will also take you back to the Main Menu.
- Conclusion
- I hope you will not only find MEMBERSHIP MANAGER useful but user
- friendly and enjoyable. All along the way the program was put together
- based upon my own personal preferences, needs and limitations as a BASIC
- programmer. But your skill, preferences and needs may be quite different.
- For example, you may use a non-Commodore compatible printer. Not to worry,
- the program is well REM'd to allow you to find the program lines needed to
- make the necessary modifications. If you don't have any experience in
- programming then now is the time to start.
- FENDER'S POSTMUMBLE: MEMBERSHIP MANAGER is a huge program, even by today's
- standards, and you'd think that it would be quite difficult to change. But,
- as David Presley states in his conclusion, the 177 blocks of BASIC code are
- well-REMarked. Don't let the size fool you. This is a very easy program to
- study and learn from.
- Here at LOADSTAR we try to make all of our programs friendly and useful to
- those users who know little about programming, but the best thing about our
- 8-bit computers is that most programs are 100% accessible by the user who
- knows some programming. Of course, there are good reasons why you (or any
- typical user) can't afford to devote the time to becoming a fast, expert
- programmer, but at the same time, there are no good reasons you can't
- become proficient enough at BASIC programming to make programs like
- MEMBERSHIP MANAGER work exactly as YOU want them to. We give you the source
- code, something that very few IBM programming companies will do.
- David is right; maybe now is the time to learn a few BASIC commands and
- try your hand at modifying MM so that it works perfectly on your printer.
- Maybe you might even want to change the name of a field?
- He who buys an IBM program owns only the code AS IS; he who buys an 8-bit
- Commodore program truly owns the program, and all that it can be.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\